Hello there! Writing is my favorite activity, thus I look forward to continually updating this page with any and all information in regards to my involvement with filmmaking. I'm sure at times I will fall into a Kevin Smith like trend of writing incredibly wordy, overly descriptive blog entries, thus I aim to stay on point and focused with the information that I relay on this page.
Firstly, I love film. When I'm not working on a film related project I am reading about films and watching films. My obsessive love for film flourished around the age of sixteen. I played video games relentlessly as a teenager, always wondering "how" the stories I enjoyed so much came to life. Before college, I researched the gaming industry and discovered that a fair amount of mathematics were involved in developing games. Not for me. The less technical side of gaming development lay in the hands of concept artists and storyboard sketches. Not for me. I held no talents in these areas and decided to begin my undergraduate career at Appalachian State University with a focus in Electronic Media Broadcasting. I was primarily enrolled in general education courses during my time at App, and after a year decided to transfer to the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. I dedicated my time to earning a degree in English, the only traditional academic field that I had always really loved other than history. After a year of revisiting American literature and taking Technical Writing courses, my love for film and the curiosity of how script became image overpowered my desire for anything else academic. Thus, I transferred to The Art Institute of Charlotte, pursuing a Bachelor's of Arts degree in Filmmaking and Video Production. Three and a half years of film classes and hands on production experience lead me to now. I sit in a classroom participating in the last general education course that I will ever have to take as I type this inaugural blog entry.
I graduate on December 12th, and am preparing myself for the rest of my life, so to speak. I am currently interning on a feature film and preparing pre-production on my next short. I am dedicated to film and genuinely look forward to what each day in this creative universe will be like for me. I hope this entry was an educational introduction, and I will continue to post not just about current happenings, but about the past and future as well.